We had the opportunity to see life outside Cape Town's cosmopolitan city center. We walked through the township of Langa. The township consists of deteriorating buildings some of which were just recently hooked up to water and electricity.
Most of the buildings are set up like dormitory rooms. The most staggering part was the fact the the dormitory style rooms were rented to several families. Most of the rooms had two bunks in them, one entire family per bed. In an effort to improve the quality of life, the government is trying to convert the buildings into apartments. Unfortunately, there is a waiting list and most of the families cannot afford the higher rent for the private apartments. On the edge of the township were very nice town homes designed and built specifically for safe low income housing with affordable rent. Sadly, the government sold the buildings to a developer who is now selling them for more than what most residents would make in a lifetime.
There is a new effort to renovate existing buildings and make additional ones to encourage just one family to an apartment while still charging affordable rates. We walked through the streets, visited the school, the witch doctor and the local pub. The people of Langa were so friendly, warm and inviting to us.
It was heartbreaking to see
the living conditions for people that deserve so much more. The school we visited was full of such beautiful children. We hope that their future will be filled with opportunity.