Tag Archives: Turkey

I know, I know its been a while since we posted.  We don't have an excuse except to say it is hard to find a balance in your life when you are starting a business.  Beau and I are back in th
If you're like us and read  many travel publications, you'll inevitably read how Istanbul is such a culture clash, how it's the gateway to Asia or where East meets West.  Yes, these things h
Far away from any news footage you may see of the debt crisis in Athens and just a stone's throw from Turkey lies the sleepy little island of Kastelorizo, Greece.  We haven't yet made it to Greec
Greetings and sorry for our absence!  Just a heads up, if your hard drive is starting to fail, sometimes your backup drive is about as worthless as a broken hard drive.  Apparently, our misb
After a nice few days in Istanbul, we decided to fly south to Antalya, rent a car and drive along the Mediterranean coast of southern Turkey.  The plan was to stay only the first night in Antaly
As Beau described in his food post, the Pera neighborhood is the place to go when your belly starts talking to you.  It is also a place to fill your appetite for design.  Several of the re
From old to new, trendy to traditional Istanbul has it all.  The architecture, design, food, culture and entertainment are all created with a rich history in mind, while at the same time bei