We're really excited to introduce our newest collection of certified Fair Trade products from Nepal.  We have been working with an AMAZING fair trade organization out of Nepal.  Hand-loomed
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I am sure I am not alone in thinking... " I can't believe it's 2012!" When did that happen?  Where did 2011 go?  I really can't believe how fast 2011 has come and gone.  Beau and I kn
I know, I know its been a while since we posted.  We don't have an excuse except to say it is hard to find a balance in your life when you are starting a business.  Beau and I are back in th
If you're like us and read  many travel publications, you'll inevitably read how Istanbul is such a culture clash, how it's the gateway to Asia or where East meets West.  Yes, these things h
Far away from any news footage you may see of the debt crisis in Athens and just a stone's throw from Turkey lies the sleepy little island of Kastelorizo, Greece.  We haven't yet made it to Greec
Insomnia can have some advantages. Looking out the window of our sweltering room I began to see the sky turn from black to a deep shade of blue. This sign means it would be a somewhat sane time to ge
Making our way to Denizli, the textile capital of Turkey, we couldn't resist taking an afternoon to check out Pamukkale.  This may look like a field  of snow or frosting, but it's actually n
Greetings and sorry for our absence!  Just a heads up, if your hard drive is starting to fail, sometimes your backup drive is about as worthless as a broken hard drive.  Apparently, our misb